Editing Services
iAcademia offers tailored, efficient and fast
Copyediting & Proofreading services to students, writers and businesses.
Proofreading service
What does it include?
- Spelling
- Punctuation
- Capitalization
- Referencing (APA, MLA, Chicago etc.)
- Style (i.e., usage of capitals in titles, font size and colour etc.)
- Repetitive wording
- English language idioms
- Incorrect usage of terminology
- Typos
- Missing words
- Wrong typing
- Vocabulary usage
- Overall Manuscript formatting
- Layout
- Vocabulary errors
Standard Copyediting
What does it include?
- Grammar
- Consistency
- Appropriate language usage
- Clarity
- Readability
- Accuracy
- Spelling
- Punctuation
- Capitalization
- Referencing (APA, MLA, Chicago etc.)
- Style (i.e., usage of capitals in titles, font size and colour etc.)
- Syntax
- Repetitive wording
- English language idioms
- Incorrect usage of terminology
- Typos
- Missing words
- Wrong typing
- Vocabulary usage
- Overall Manuscript formatting
- Layout
- Vocabulary errors
Premium Copyediting
What does it include?
- Improving sentence and paragraph structure
- Enriched vocabulary
- Enriched Terminology
- Insertion of complex grammatical structures
- Maximum consistency in the writing style
- Accurate rephrasing with incorporation of advanced changes within the text
- Revising and rephrasing, if needed
- Grammar
- Consistency
- Appropriate language usage
- Clarity
- Readability
- Accuracy
- Spelling
- Punctuation
- Capitalization
- Referencing (APA, MLA, Chicago etc.)
- Style (i.e., usage of capitals in titles, font size and colour etc.)
- Syntax
- Repetitive wording
- English language idioms
- Incorrect usage of terminology
- Typos
- Missing words
- Wrong typing
- Vocabulary usage
- Overall Manuscript formatting
- Layout
- Vocabulary errors